
A True Fall--finally

  Since it is still 80 degrees here and the only leaves on the ground are the ones we never cleaned out of the gutter from last winter, Bert and I decided Loulie needed to experience an actual fall--mountains, pretty leaves, football and cool weather. So what better place than to go visit Lovey and GDaddyBoy. 
It was such a short trip--less than 48 hrs but we packed in a lot.  It is so gorgeous there this time of year and I tried to get a lot of pictures but as usual my card filled up too quickly. Someone please remind to get a new one with a gazillion GBs worth of memory.
It was a great weekend that went by way too fast. As usual my mother and dad filled it with all sorts of special treats and activities that they knew we would all love. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. 


 Black bear sighting. No lie! We had read all these articles on how bears were coming out towards the trails more this year and ways to keep them from attacking. Halfway up the trail, we spotted two--Bert tore off with Loulie up the trail and my dad stopped to get a picture. Now who would you be in that scenario? Bert always says, you don't have to outrun the bear, just whoever you're with but I wasn't taking any chances.
 Picnic by the river


 My parents received a little slack from some friends when they announced where they were moving (the whole Deliverance, foothills, orange team banter) so as a joke they said when friends and family come to visit; they are going to pull out the moonshine and Vols gear along with some lovely redneck wine glasses for a good laugh. Worked on us--I got a big kick out of the moonshine!
Now I finally feel like fall is here and we came back to a much cooled off Charleston. I actually had to pull out my sweaters last night--YEAH!!!!


Out on the water

About three years ago Bert built me a piroque as an easy way for me to get out on the water. It's made from plywood, although you would never know looking at it, so it is super light and was supposed to be easy  for me to cart around. Not two seconds after he finished it, did we discover that there is no way my 5'2 frame can throw that sucker on top of a car much less carry it to the boat ramp. Long story short, I still need the Husk to help me get it in the water.
Because it was a mega hot summer and Bert works 24/7 from April to September, he has not been able to fulfill his longstanding promise to help me take Loulie out on her first tour. So as soon as the suffocating humidity disappeared and the days of rain stopped, we headed over to the JI park for Loulie's first launch.

It was a success. The whole time we pointed out turtles and egrets and talked about how she looked just like Pocahontas. I really wish I'd taken my sister's waterproof camera to capture some of the scenery. This is my favorite way of being out on the water because you so feel a part of your surroundings and a lot of the wildlife is completely undisturbed since you aren't making a sound. We toured all around the park and waterways off the Stono River.
We were doing just fine until we circled back to the area in front of dog beach and found what looked to be a furry manatee. After a slight freak out and some flailing around we switched out and the manatee-esque creature got her own tour. 

If anything has ever convinced me that Bridget needs to be on a diet it was this boat ride. Every time she took a deep breath, I thought the boat was going to flip.
Speaking of getting out on the water, has anyone seen this boat in the harbor. It is the fourth largest sailboat in the world and docked in Charleston for a few days. My nephews were here this weekend and approximately 65% of the conversation was dedicated to this boat. It is completely amazing but at $400,000 a week, I think I'll stick to the piroque.



Possibly the best thing I have seen today. I could seriously squeeze that cute kid. In the meantime, Loulie is sticking to her guns on wanting to be a "bawawina" for Halloween. She suggested yesterday that Bert be one too. And though he will go to great lengths to please that child, I have not seen him running out the door to purchase some Baryshnikov tights. Bert as a ballerina?--talk about a haunting Halloween! 

What is your child dressing up as? What do you think of parents dressing up with kids--cute or ridiculous? I'd say in the below picture, my vote is completely adorable!

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P.S. Have you seen the Up house?