
Talk Nerdy to Me

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Christian Grey. I have not read these books but I am going to go ahead and state that this type of writing is not what gets me going. In fact, I am pretty sure that reading this book would be a huge turn OFF for me. I use my spatula to make pancakes and I am fine with that. My hair is too short to braid and the thought of getting tied up makes me want to have a panic attack. And yet everywhere I go, women are scouring the pages of this book.
Same with Magic Mike. While I appreciate Matthew McConnaughy in all his deliciousness, I am not part of the droves running out to see Channing Tatum's sweaty abs. In fact, any attraction I may have to Channing Tatum has more to do with his incredible dance talent than anything else. And if placed in a crowded bar, I would probably not take two glances in their direction. (Is there something wrong with me?) Because always and forever I have been attracted to the funny nerd. Anyone else with me on this?  I remember having a conversation in high school with a friend about how we never had crushes on the "obvious" guys at our school; that we were always attracted to the less noticed, funny, smart guy in the background.
So since it's already hot outside, since Channing Tatum is getting way too much attention this summer and for all of you who would rather read Pride and Prejudice than 50 Shades, here are some of my favorite nerdy funny men--I would rather watch you guys strum a guitar or tell a story any day over getting whipped with a spatula.
I was once told by someone that I was the only person they had ever heard call Steve Carrell sexy. Come on, tell me you don't think this guy's handsome!

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I don't think this picture needs words.

What the what? Yes, Andrew Garfield. If you don't think he is the cutest, you need to go see Spiderman, now!

ewan mcgregor in angels and demons

Does it help that he has a foreign accent and can sing incredibly well--yes, it does.

This guy can rattle off the first twenty numbers of pi in no time, calculates how long it would take to drive to the moon and back at 60 mph in his head and at one point had memorized  an entire deck of Trivial Pursuit; making him the biggest nerd I know. But no one makes me laugh harder and for that reason, he is my number one funny nerd who basically sets the standard for my quirky taste. We have a running joke when he gets a sciency on me where I call him a Georgia Tech nerd and he slings back, "But who was nerdy enough to marry the GA Tech nerd?" Not quite the insult is it?

Others that should be included on the list are any scrappy, music playing Brit. Give me a music playing Brit or a slightly chubby funny guy any day.  I know more should be added to the list--who did I leave off? 

Also, speaking of Christian Grey. I thought this was hilarious....


Playing Catch Up

It was my intention to write a new post every day last week. That did not happen since staying at my parents' house is like taking a trip to the pioneer days when it comes to internet connection. Since it takes a good thirty minutes to load a web page there, I decided to save all stories and photos for when I came home. So now we are back after an activity packed week in Knoxville. Luckily, I had the foresight to sign Loulie up for a three hour a day camp this week which has allowed me to catch up on cleaning, yard work and sales calls. You can probably guess that the over 100 temperatures have left Bert and the ice business overworked. We missed him a ton last week and are so happy to all be back under one roof even if it means only seeing him a few minutes here and there.
I finished two books last week that were so amazing and have lots of pictures to share but for now I'll be brief and post on our fourth celebration later.

In the meantime, what do I do with this child? We have more drama over here than on SoapNet. In just a few weeks, she has aged from 2.5 to 25 years old. My mother bought her that horse pocketbook. She hasn't left the house without it, her new orange boat shoes, her lipstick on, a watch and/or one of her new necklaces. So many times throughout the day I get a glimpse of what life might be like when she is a teenager. One thing about raising a girl--they are emotional! One minute she is my shadow and the next she is breaking into tears and slamming her bedroom door. (See?--teenage girl.) Our scale begins at 1 being "I want to be just like you" copying my every move to 10 being a "I TOLD you I want my daddy" (with emphatic hand gestures). If this is what I am dealing with at 2.5, what will it be at 13? I don't know. But I have been looking at houses on the market with carriages houses or at least a mother in law sweet, for me that is. The trade off to all this drama is also having the sweetest, snuggling side kick that just so happens to love all the things I do and tells me daily that her favorite part of the day was "being with mama." I'll take it, drama and all. 

I'll stop there since I am sweltering in our 89 degree upstairs. The AC is out so I am selling 200 sq ft ice machines out of an office that feels like the inside of an oven. Bert has fixed two ACs this week for friends but has told me ours is beyond repair. Ironic? I think so. 
Stay cool friends! XOXO!