

I haven't blogged since May 2nd?! Obviously, May has gone by even faster than April. I still have a stack of books to write a post on from March. Hopefully, I will have time to catch up with the start of summer nearing. We are the opposite of most families. For us, summer means sticking close to home, slowing down and enjoying what Charleston has to offer versus hitting the road. It is our business's busiest time of year so Bert is in and out at odd hours. With Loulie being older, we are really hoping to catch all the free concerts and festivals put on for all the visitors this year. Which brings me to today....
Is anyone else having a hard time with the end of the school year?! It does not need to be said that I am a nerd and was always that kid that hated leaving my teacher, my friends, dance classes ending, etc. Of course, I would be sad for all of a day before I easily settled into the relaxing summer schedule. But now I am a wreck over 2K ending! I actually cried the other night (and I am not a crier) thinking about it. It seems like just yesterday I was nervous about dropping her off for her first day away from me and now the year is over. 
It all began when she started singing "Little Bunny Fufu" at the dinner table Friday night in her sweet little voice. Which got me thinking that it will never be this way again--being in Ms. Becky's class with all these sweet little friends. Bert just laughed at me. Obviously, I have a difficult time with change. Imagine kindergarten or even high school graduation? I can't even think about ;) All joking aside, I am so thankful for her sweet little school and the nurturing teachers, Ms. Becky and Ms. Stacey, she had this year. It makes a mama's heart glad to know your child is being loved on and cared for well in her absence. And I hope I will always remember how she sounds doing her roll call every morning, naming each friend she's excited about seeing--always naming "Copi and Giffin" at top billing.

Oh, can't we just put a brick on their heads? Anyone with me on this or am I completely ridiculous?

*On a side note, my aunt has kept every single one of my cousins' class pictures and has a whole wall in each of their old rooms dedicated to their class and sport's team photos. They are 35 and 31 now. Every time I go over there I stop and stare at all the old snapshots. I am in a few since Chris and I are the same age. And I can't believe I was ever upset to say good bye to friends--thanks to facebook, I know where 90% of my classmates from 2K are today. Crazy, right?! I'm still friends with some of them and over half were there for us at my uncle's funeral last year. So you never know--Loulie's college roommate or husband or business partner could be in this very photo. Now that does kind of excite me to see what's ahead. 
So proud of all these little peanuts!

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