
Servant's Heart

I've been fighting a fever and body aches for a few days now. Not something that makes caring for a two year old easy or convenient. This morning I sat in the rocking chair and told Tad we would take it easy, that I wasn't feeling well.

"Okay mom, we just play some puzzles."

He left the room and returned with blanket that he placed over my legs and then left again. Half way down the hall he turned around.

" I can have some 'nola bar, mom? You want one too?"

We spent the next hour in the chair reading while he patted my arm.

This age is just the beginning of seeing their hearts, their gifts and go to reactions to certain situations. It's becoming clear that Taddy has a servant heart like his dad.  He quickly checks on Loulie when she is upset and offers band aids like candy. It doesn't matter what the tears are over, tad is there administering a Star Wars band aid.

I thought of my future daughter in law again today and that I hope this servant heart is something she recognizes and appreciates. I pray Tad finds someone one day that he loves deeply enough to care for in sickness and health. I hope when he goes off to school that he will continue to care for others, notice their pain and offer encouragement. I hope that this servanthood is something that God will continue to grow in this little guy. He made me feel better!

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