
5th Annual Plunge

We rang in the New Year same as we do every year, with a quiet eve preparing for the next day's festivities. This was our 5th or 6th (I lose track) year of attending the Sullivan's Island Polar Bear Plunge, but our 4th of hosting all our friends. In talking with some of the girls that day, we all mentioned that at some point during the day, we had a moment of prayerful thanksgiving for all these blessings. For health. For friends. For family. I am beginning my 7th year of marriage and my 7th year in Charleston. It hasn't felt like that long but when I think back to that first new years--a flooded house, no furniture, no clothes, a whole new life and no local friends. Sheesh--it was a rough one. And now, all the living that has taken place. Yes, I can only be full of thanks for this pack of people we chose to begin the new year with. 

A lot of our family and friends had a rough 2012. I think our nation as a whole had a rough 2012. Lost family members, natural disasters, debt, shootings, it was tough to keep your head up. I feel a little guilty saying this, but for us 2012 was pretty good. Status quo--no major news, no big changes but plenty of growth in a lot of ways. I'm going seal it off as a good year.

So Long 2012!
(2012? Still sounds so strange to me. Like shouldn't we still be in the nineties?!)

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