
Last Weekend's Top Ten

10. The Oscars last night were mediocre as far as entertainment but some very deserved wins--congrats Natalie, Colin you sexy man and Chris Nolan. The reason it is in my top ten though does not involve any winners but rather some pretty ladies bringing back something that is my genetic betrayal until Michelle Williams, Cate Blanchett and Mandy Moore rocked it last night. That's right--PALENESS!!! My legs were glowing out of my shorts on Saturday and this pale skinned lady would much rather that than some age spots so I was thrilled to see a good number of stars rocking the fair skin and looking good doing it!
Cheers to all of you who tote the SPF 50 all summer!
Oscars Make-up: Michelle Williams

Mandy Moore - Oscars 2011 Red Carpet

9. Another weekend of gorgeous weather--if Loulie wasn't napping then we were outdoors.
8. Our first oyster roast of 2011 with great friends and cold drinks--perfect Saturday afternoon.

7. Getting a good run and a looong bike ride in with the entire fam.

6. Dog Park with Bridget and finally giving her a bath after a two month hiatus. We knew it was bad when Loulie would approach Bridget and do her sign language for stinky.

5. Taking Loulie to the Charleston Symphony kid's performance, Let the Circle Be Unbroken. It was the story of the sweetgrass basketmakers set to wind instruments. Absolutely beautiful--there is nothing liek experiencing dance or music live and I really want Loulie to develop this appreciation early. She loved it but we did have to exit the show a little early. We paused for a few seconds to get her picture in front of the Circular Congregational Church which is beautiful and one of the stops on some of the historical tours. Well, apparently Loulie thinks she is one of Charleston's sites because she is waving to a pack of tourist on foot stopping to read one of the Meeting St. historical markers--nice.

4. Coming home from running to find Bert and Loulie dancing to "Once Upon a Dream." She had suckered him in to joining her in enjoying her new cd. He was a little embarrassed that I busted them and here I am telling all of you--only because I thought it was really sweet.

3. Church this Sunday. During the last song Loulie broke loose, headed straight up front to the band and danced a jog for all to see. A man approached Bert afterwards saying that God gives him a moment every week at church and that this week, Loulie was his moment. How humbling and what a precious gift from God that he would use Loulie Bug in such a sweet way.

2. Last week the foster children that I have been representing for three years now finally had their case closed. I'll post more later but it was an incredible blessing the way the whole ordeal played out and now they are both safe and in a permanent home. 

1. I'm finished this for my sister's birthday.

And I'm almost finished with this....

It is the first design that I have done completely on my own. Now if I could just make that fabric grow about two inches, it might be appropriate to wear it to an engagement party this weekend.

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